P2L Team Training

Play2Learn are in partnership with many different football clubs. Starting from our club foundation pre-school sessions, we coach Fun 4s, Super 5s, Soccer 7s, 9-a-side & 11-a-side.
We offer different packages and deals to suit your organisation;
* Digital Session plan before each weekly session
* Weekly training session delivered by UEFA C/B Licenced Coach
* All training equipment
* Digital session plans in advance for each theme being covered in 2-4-week cycles
* Weekly training session delivered by UEFA C/B Licenced Coach
* All coaching equipment
* Player observations & evaluations at the end of each block
* Digital session plans covering the full block
* Weekly training session delivered by UEFA C/B Licenced Coach
* Player observations & evaluations at the end of each full block
* Ongoing player self-reflection sheets, tactic & play plans on various areas of the game
* 1 x Coach mentoring & evaluation
* 1 x Match day analysis and team evaluation

Play2Learn are the Coach Co-ordinators for one of Edinburgh’s most thriving women’s and girls Football Clubs.
New players from 6yrs+ are welcome.
Contact Dave: Coachcoordinator@boroughmuirfc.com
Hutchison Vale fc
Play2learn have recently rejoined HVFC. We are delivering sessions for Boys and girls from the years 2013-2018.
If you are interested in your son/daughter joining please Email Matthew : matthewl@play2learn.info

Currie Star FC
Play2Learn have been working with Currie Star FC for the past 8 years and we have a player pathway running from our Club Foundation Pre-school sessions right through to 7-a-side, including Goalkeepers!
If you are interested in joining or would like more information please drop ShaneO an email : shane@play2Learn.info

Cramond FC
Play2Learn have been working with Cramond FC for the past 4 years and we coach many different age groups at the club including 4, 5, 7 & 9-a-side teams.
If you are interested in joining or would like more information please drop Matthew an email : matthewl@play2Learn.info

Play2learn have recently started up a new partnership with Tynecastle FC. We are delivering sessions for Boys and girls from the years 2013-2018.
If you are interested in your son/daughter joining please Email Matthew : matthewl@play2learn.info

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